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Peter Pan - The Great British Musical 2016
The Estelle School of Dance have performed this musical twice -once in their Golden anniversary year in 2008 for Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital raising £4000 and again in 2016.
The musical is a very heart-warming story and has many very catchy songs, sensational sets and scenery being shipped in from London, colourful costumes and fabulous dancing - and of course then there was the flying -which added that extra touch of sparkle!
Peter Pan Cheque Presentation

Having spent two years fundraising with many internal and external events finishing off the with fabulous production of Peter Pan - The British Musical in June 2016 - The Estelle School of Dance raised the magnificent amount of £5000!

We had the privilege to be invited down to the Great Ormond Street Children's Hospital to present the cheque and to have a tour or the hospital and it's grounds. What a fabulous place and so awe-inspiring to see the work they do - such a worthy cause.

Panto: Dick Whittington and his cat

Once again the Estelle School of Dance joined the Immanuel Dramatic Society in their annual panto, this year being Dick Whittington and his cat which was performed over 10 days in January 2018 at The Immanuel Church Hall to the local community.

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